The subtitle of this talk is "Surviving the Robot Uprising". Our ability to be self-aware and self-regulate is all that separates us from the robots. These skills are also what we need to preserve our mental health. This keynote has been adapted for a corporate and an educational audience.
This social-justice keynote addresses implicit bias, equity and privilege. It addresses all the 'isms' that serve to marginalize various communities. This keynote has been adapted for a corporate and an educational audience.
This keynote address focuses on the important of self-awareness and self-regulation when dealing with anxiety. Originally created to address the stress and anxiety being felt by teachers early in the pandemic, this address has evolved to offer anti-anxiety strategies which will boost the natural 'happiness chemicals' in our bodies.
The human brain is an amazing, logical computing device. In order to conserve power and time, it organizes data into neat, patterned shortcuts. Why do I have knee-jerk reactions to certain words? Peanut Butter; Marco; Calvin. Unfortunately, these shortcuts, when applied to people and cultures, often results in stereo types, prejudices and discrimination.
Participants in this session will explore the concept of unconscious bias, including a self-exploration to recognize their own bias. Most importantly, having identified personal biases, participants will learn strategies to overcome these preset reactions and respond in ways that reflect their conscious beliefs and values.
Culture plays an integral role in how we interact with other people which is especially true in the classroom. Participants in this session will explore the nature of culture and cultural competency and how it plays out in an educational setting. This session also includes a discussion of privilege and how it impacts the learning environment.
Many workplaces have employees from 5 distinct generations. Each generation harbors their own perception of learning, work and ethics. Participants in this workshop will understand the ways in which the generations approach life and learn strategies to manage inter-generational communication and collaboration.